Behror:In a shocking incident emerging out of Gokulpur village in Behror in Rajasthan's Alwar district, a Dalit youth recently faced humiliation from unruly crowds after his comments on social media related to The Kashmir Files. The mob, as per information, made the youth rub his nose on the temple platform after they identified the 'negative comment' the youth had made while talking about the film. The police have assured an investigation in this case.
Rajesh Meghwal, who is employed as a senior sales manager in a private bank, said he had merely expressed his opinion while speaking about the film. "I had posted about 'The Kashmir Files', where the injustice and torture meted out to Kashmiri Pandits has been displayed. I asked whether Pandits were the only ones facing discrimination, as the Dalit community too faces discrimination, but it seemingly remains invisible to the Modi government. I had also asked why films such as 'Jai Bhim' and 'Shudra: The Rising' were not made tax-free like 'The Kashmir Files'.
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Jitendra Meghwal was killed in Rajasthan a few days back for his mustache. Was that not injustice? Whenever I put up the posts, the opposing people come and try to incite me by writing 'Jai Shree Ram', 'Jai Shri Krishna' etc", he stated. Rajesh further confirmed that triggered by their comments, he himself this time made some questionable remarks about Hindu Gods.