Chhatarpur (MP):The family of a 30-year-old Dalit man has alleged that he was beaten up by a group of persons for sitting on a chair in a village panchayat office in Madhya Pradesh's Chhatarpur district. But, Bijawar's sub-divisional officer of police Raghu Kesri on Monday denied the claim that the man was thrashed for sitting on a chair and said the incident, which took place on Saturday, was a fallout of enmity between the man and the accused.
A case has been registered and efforts are on to arrest the accused, he said. The man's wife and a panchayat official said the victim was seriously injured in the incident which took place in Chauka village under Matguan police station limits, around 10 km from the district headquarters.
Talking to reporters, the victim's wife alleged that one Rohit Singh Thakur thrashed her husband after he sat on a chair in the village panchayat office on Saturday. She said Thakur objected to it saying how a Dalit man dared to sit on a chair in front of him and asserted that only Thakurs will sit on the chair.
She said her husband was injured seriously after Thakur and his accomplices beat him up. The woman said she feared for the safety of her family. She also said she had filed a complaint with the police, but claimed no action was taken on it.