Guna: A Dalit family was allegedly stopped by some people from performing the last rites of a relative on an elevated platform at a cremation ground in Madhya Pradesh's Guna district, following which police arrested three persons, an official said on Monday. The family later performed the funeral on a land near the platform. The incident took place on Friday in Chandpura village under Kumbhraj police station area, 62 km from the Guna district headquarters, and a video of it also surfaced on social media.
In the clip, a person was purportedly heard saying the family was not allowed to use the cremation ground's platform for the funeral. After the death of local resident Kanhaiya Ahirwar (70), his family members took the body to the cremation ground, but three persons from the village allegedly stopped them from performing the last rites on the facility's platform, Kumbhraj police station in-charge Sanjeet Mawai said. The family then performed the man's last rites on a land near the crematorium's platform, he said.