Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): Cybercriminals on Saturday hacked into the official mail id of Rajasthan Director-General of Police, Mohan Lal Lather and sent a mail to Uttar Pradesh police claiming of some terrorist activists on UP-Rajasthan border. The mail also claimed that the terrorists in the army uniform are likely to disrupt the Independence Day celebrations (August 15).
Taking cognizance of the matter, when the higher officials talked to the Rajasthan DGP, they denied about sending the mail.
It was after proper investigation, the police suspected it to be the work of hackers, who are trying to create an atmosphere of fear ahead of August 15.
Meanwhile, the Uttar Pradesh police have mobilised the services of cyber cell and further investigation is underway.
Taking cognizance of the mail, UP Police Chief DGP Mukul Goyal instructed senior officers to conduct a strict checking operation. Along with this, it was said that suspicious people should also be monitored through drone cameras in congested areas.
DGP Mukul Goyal said that in view of the security arrangements on the occasion of Independence Day, checking should be done in hotels, dharamshalas, lodges, including markets and malls.