Thiruvananthapuram/Kochi: Church of South India (CSI) Bishop A Dharmaraj Rasalam appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in Kochi on Wednesday in connection with the probe over corruption allegations at the church's Karakonam medical college. Bishop arrived at the ED office in Kochi at 11 AM pursuant to the notice issued to him on Tuesday to appear before it.
The Bishop was stopped yesterday from travelling to England to take part in the Lambeth Conference. Church sources told PTI this morning that the Bishop had already reached Kochi in order to appear before the agency during the day. On Tuesday, a church official had said that the Bishop "was supposed to attend the Lambeth Conference which is convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury. It's a gathering of bishops from across the Anglican Communion."
Also read:ED summons Jharkhand CM's press advisor for questioning in PMLA case