Mumbai:Bollywood actor Ananya Panday failed to appear before the Narcotics Control Bureau here on Monday for questioning in connection with her alleged WhatsApp chats with Aryan Khan, the son of superstar Shah Rukh Khan, arrested in a drugs case, an NCB official said.
Panday was earlier questioned by the NCB for two days last week and was called again on Monday.
She was supposed to appear before the anti-drugs agency around 11 am on Monday, but did not turn up for the third round of questioning, the official said.
On Friday, Panday was questioned for nearly four hours in connection with her alleged WhatsApp chats with Aryan Khan linked to the case which relates to alleged seizure of banned drugs from a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast early this month, sources earlier said.
Prior to it, the 22-year-old actor, who made her Bollywood debut in 2019, was questioned on Thursday for about two hours.