Jodhpur (Rajasthan): After the demise of CRPF constable Naresh Jaat on Tuesday, the audio, video, and seven-page suicide note that have come into the public domain are suggestive of something fishy inside the Recruit Training Centre of the paramilitary forces.
In the audio clip that has been released, Naresh can be heard talking about his ordeal with his senior. The official, in response, can be heard giving reassurance to Naresh that he was coming to his (Naresh's) place and that there is nothing to worry about. However, Naresh replies to his senior suggesting that he shouldn't come to see him. "I have decided to take the extreme step," says Naresh in response to his senior, suggesting that he might kill himself.
The senior can be heard telling Naresh repetitively to not do anything extreme, while the officer seems adamant about taking his own life. He can also be heard telling the officer that his career was spoiled while working with the paramilitary forces.