Raipur: A commando of the CRPF's jungle warfare unit CoBRA was killed on Tuesday when Naxalites opened fire near a camp of the paramilitary force in Chhattisgarh's Sukma district, police said. The incident took place between 4:30 pm to 5 pm between Dabbakonta and Pentapad villages under Chintagufa police station limits where the Central Reserve Police Force had set up a camp recently, Inspector General of Police (Bastar range) Sundarraj said.
The deceased commando hailed from Kerala.
Personnel of the state police's District Reserve Guard (DRG) and Special Task Force were also stationed at the camp, located around 450 km from capital Raipur, he said. When a patrolling team was out on area domination operation near the camp, a group of Naxalites opened fire, leading to a gun battle, the IG said. The Naxalites soon fled into the dense forest, he added.