Kozhikode (Kerala):The Kerala police arrested a notorious criminal belonging to West Bengal from his hideout in a remote village in the Kozhikode district of the state. The criminal identified as Ravikul Sardar was stated to be involved in the murder of a Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader besides two more killings in West Bengal. Ravikul Sardar has been hiding at a location in Panniyankara near Meenchantha in Kozhikode where he was staying with fellow Bengali migrant labourers.
Criminal involved in TMC leader murder nabbed in Kerala
Ravikul Sardar, who was involved in three murders in West Bengal, was hiding in a remote location in Kerala. The Cyber Cell traced the location and immediately passed on information to the Kerala police.
The Cyber Cell police tracked down his location to Panniyankara and immediately alerted the local police. The police also arrested three others, who had arranged a place to stay for the accused. The Kozhikode police worked closely with the West Bengal police team when they reached Kozhikode after tracing Ravikul's whereabouts. Ravikul had murdered three persons, including a TMC leader, and then escaped from Bengal and was staying in Kerala. Police said there were many criminal cases pending against this habitual offender in West Bengal. He was later handed over to the West Bengal police.