Agra:International cricketer Deepak Chahar's father Lokendra Chahar on Thursday lodged a complaint against Dhruv Parikh, the owner of Parikh Sports, and his father Kamlesh Parikh, former manager of the State Cricketer Association, Hyderabad, and alleged that the father-son duo has duped Chahar's wife Jaya Bhardwaj of Rs 10 lakhs. The duo had signed a shoe business deal with Jaya and did not deliver as per the deal. The duo even abused and threatened to kill Jaya after she asked for the amount back.
The Hariparvat police station commenced a probe into the incident right after Lokendra registered a case on Thursday night. According to Lokendra, they are the owners of Parikh Sports in Secunderabad and they signed a shoe business partnership with Jaya and asked for Rs 10 lakhs. The duo later denied that they have taken money from Jaya and even threatened her.