New Delhi: The 75-day long Amrit Mahotsav that concluded on Friday registered 27 percent of the eligible population receiving precautionary doses which were only 8 percent before the program started on July 15.
"At the start of Covid vaccination Amrit Mahotsav on July 15, only 8 percent of the eligible population aged 18 years and above had received the precautionary dose. With the intervention of 75 days long free vaccination campaign, 27 percent of the eligible population have now received their precautionary dose," the health ministry said.
Administration of precautionary dose is pivotal to confer extended protection to beneficiaries against Covid19. It helps to reduce the severity of the Covid19 disease, the risk of hospitalization, and reduce mortality.
The campaign was started on July 15, in a mission mode in which special Covid vaccination drives were organized by all States and UTs to increase uptake of the precautionary dose of Covid vaccine among the eligible adult population (persons 18 years and above who have completed 6 months or 26 weeks after the second dose).