Hyderabad: The nation is taken aback by the ferocity of the Covid resurgence in the second wave. Notwithstanding the experiences from the USA and Europe that the second wave of the Covid pandemic will be savage, our government did not bother to take precautionary measures and left medical preparedness to the winds. It is these non-committal ways that made Covid so lethal in this second wave resurgence.
Though Prime Minister Narendra Modi has claimed that there was an improvement in the ground level situation compared to the conditions witnessed during the same time last year; the three-fold surge of positive cases and the high rate of mortalities present a different scenario.
The Center had also claimed that the Covid testing centers were increased to 2500, but the fact remains that testing was stopped for two days in Delhi due to the heavy rush of patients. The shortage of hospital beds also exposed the hollowness of the government's claims that numerous Covid special hospitals were established.
Also Read:PM Modi takes stock of oxygen supply
The avoidable mortalities due to oxygen shortage are heart-wrenching. India exported 6.6 crore doses of Covid vaccines to more than 70 countries till day. However, today the country has no vaccine stocks for its citizens. The inaction of the governments is evident from the statements of the young doctors who are lamenting that patients are dying from curable medical issues.
Though the Center gave clearance to establish 162 Oxygen production centers, only one-fifth of them were operationalised. The country would not have been grieving today with 3 lakh positive cases and ten percent fatalities if the task force appointed by the Prime Minister to control Covid-19 had properly done its duty.
The present vaccine policy of the government is not reassuring. India manufactures 60 percent of vaccines produced in the entire world. It is shocking to note that such a country is witnessing a shortage of vaccines. The whole world believes that vaccines can, to a considerable extent, avert the Covid threat by preventing mortalities and also preventing the virus from spreading further.