New Delhi: The Delhi government on Monday deployed two teams of officers to monitor procurement and supply of oxygen and the Remdesivir drug amid a shortage of both following an exponential rise in COVID-19 cases here.
The national capital on Sunday recorded the biggest jump in its daily COVID-19 tally with 25,462 fresh cases, while the positivity rate shot up to 29.74 per cent -- meaning almost every third sample being tested in the city is turning out to be positive.
Read:Priyanka slams BJP for 'hoarding' Remdesivir
According to an official order issued by the health department, a team of nine officers will be deputed at oxygen filling plants, and oversee operations of medical oxygen suppliers.
"The officers will oversee the entire procurement process of medical oxygen by the filler agency and ensure that the quantity of oxygen procured is properly entered in the dedicated register," it said.