New Delhi: With 15,145 new coronavirus infections reported in the last 24 hours, India on Sunday continued with its low streak of single-day cases, posting an overall tally of 1,05,57,986, according to the Union Health Ministry.
On Tuesday, India had recorded 12,584 new cases, the lowest single-day figure in over seven months. The country has been recording less than 20,000 daily new cases from the past eight days.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said 181 deaths were reported in the past 24 hours taking the death toll to 1,52,274. Since the last 23 days, less than 300 new deaths per day have been recorded in the country.
As per the Ministry data, 1,01,96,885 people have recovered so far and currently there are 2,08,826 active cases. The recovery rate stands at 96.56 per cent, while the fatality rate is 1.44 per cent.
The total number of samples tested up to January 15 were 18,57,65,491, including 8,03,090 tested on Friday, the Indian Council of Medical Research said.