New Delhi:Amid a spike in COVID-19 cases in the city, Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain on Wednesday said many international travellers, who have tested negative at the airport, are testing positive after a few days and infecting their family members during the period.
"The cases have increased due to international flights. Even during the earlier wave, the cases rose with flights coming in," the minister told reporters.
Delhi on Wednesday recorded 238 Omicron cases. There were 165 cases of the new variant a day earlier.
The national capital on Tuesday registered a massive spike in daily COVID-19 with 496 fresh cases, the highest since June 4, while the positivity rate also rose to 0.89 percent along with one fatality.
"There are many people who are testing negative at the airport and they are allowed to go home. The district authorities are in touch with them. After reaching home, they are tested again and they come out positive. In the process, they are also infecting their family members," Jain told reporters.
According to the guidelines issued by the health ministry on November 30 for international travellers, if people coming from 'at-risk' countries test negative at the airport, they are supposed to follow home quarantine for a week. They are tested again on the eighth day of their arrival and if they test negative, they have to self-monitor their health for the next seven days.
"However, if such travellers test positive, their samples should be sent for genomic testing at INSACOG laboratory network. They shall be managed at a separate isolation facility and treated as per laid down standard protocol including contact tracing...
Also Read:Delhi reports 496 new Covid cases, infection rate at 0.89%
"The contacts of such positive cases should be kept under institutional quarantine or at home quarantine monitored strictly by the concerned State Government as per laid down protocol," state the guidelines.
Jain said the Omicron variant of coronavirus is highly transmissible and hinted that it could be the reason behind the recent spike in infections.