Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala):Kerala on Wednesday logged 31,445 new coronavirus cases with test positivity rate (TPR) in the state soaring to 19.03 per cent. The number of cases registered today was much higher than the 24,296 cases reported on the previous day. According to Health Department, as many as 215 deaths were confirmed due to Covid-19, taking the total death toll to 19,972.
As per the health bulletin, Ernakulam district reported the highest COVID cases of 4048, followed by Thrissur 3865, Kozhikode 3680, Malappuram 3502, Palakkad 2562, Kollam 2479, Kottayam 2050, Kannur 1930, Alappuzha 1874 and Thiruvananthapuram 1700, Idukki 1166, Pathanamthitta 1008, Wayanad 962 and Kasaragod 619. During the last 24 hours, 1,65,273 samples were tested and a total of 20,271 people also recovered.