New Delhi: A special CBI court here on Friday turned down the anticipatory bail applications of Congress MP Karti Chidambaram, and others in a money laundering case registered by the Enforcement Directorate, linked to an alleged Chinese visa scam. Apart from the Congress leader, the Rouse Avenue Court in Delhi also dismissed the anticipatory bail applications moved by other accused persons in the case including his chartered accountant S Bhaskar Raman and Vikas Makharia, the associate Vice President of thermal power plant Talwandi Sabo Power. On May 30, the court of Special CBI judge M.K. Nagpal had reserved the order and posted the matter for Friday.
In the last hearing, senior advocate Kapil Sibal argued that the alleged transaction is from 2011 and the ED registered the case after a lapse of a long time. He pointed out that there was no investigation all these years. Counsel also argued that the value of the alleged transaction is Rs 50 lakh, which is less than one crore and in view of this fact, he should be granted bail.