New Delhi:A court here on Wednesday allowed the CBI five days of custodial interrogation of businessman Vijay Nair, arrested in the Delhi Excise Policy scam case in which Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia is also an accused. The court noted the prosecution's submissions that after being arrested on Tuesday, the accused was not cooperative and evasive on different pretexts.
In view of circumstances, the application filed by CBI is allowed and the accused is remanded to the custody of CBI for a period of five days i.e, till October 3, 2022, Special Judge M K Nagpal said.
The investigation of the case is at a nascent stage and detailed custodial interrogation of the accused is felt necessary not only to unearth the entire conspiracy and the roles played by different accused persons, including the public servants but also to trace out the trail of ill-gotten money which is alleged to have been paid to the accused public servants by way of commission, the court said.
The court further said that the custodial interrogation of the accused was required to confront him with the evidence already collected by the Investigating Officer. Nair will even be required to be questioned with regard to the nature of data, which is stated to have been deleted from his mobile phone by way of formatting, the court said.