New Delhi: Targeting those who talk about dividing India, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat has said that the country had witnessed a major stumble at the time of partition and it cannot be forgotten, and thus will not be repeated again.
Launching a book - "Vibhajankaleen Bharat Ke Sakshi" (The Witness of Partition India) - written by Krishnanand Sagar in Noida, the Sangh chief said that this is India of 2021, not 1947. Once the country has been divided and now it will not be divided again.
Bhagwat also advocated for the 'Akhand Bharat' (united India). He termed the partition as an unforgettable event and asserted that the pain of division will only end when the partition would be revoked.
He said that what was broken will have to be united again.