New Delhi: South West district Delhi police, on Thursday night, rounded up altogether 83 outlaws for creating nuisance in a public place as well as disturbing the peace in the area. These people, mostly having a criminal background, had gone to Tihar jail to receive one of their associates, Abid Ahmad, who was released on bail.
They were part of the convoy and were heading Tughlakabad area after their friend's release from the Tihar Jail. These anti-socials traveling in 19 cars and two motorcycles were rejoicing their friend's release from the Tihar jail. DCP of the South West district Delhi police Manoj C while sharing information with reporters said, "Abid Ahmad, a resident of Tughlakabad Extension, Lane number 6, on Thursday was released on bail from Tihar jail, on Thursday. The accused was behind bars in a case related to the North Vasant Kunj incident."