Amaravati: In Andhra Pradesh's Nellore district, photos of a male tailor taking body measurements of women constables have gone viral. The incident, which occurred in Nellore's Umesh Chandra Hall, shows the tailor taking body measurements for secretariat constables of Kavali and Atmakaru divisions.
The incident has drawn flak from both political parties as well as netizens on social media platforms. Responding to questions regarding the incident, district Superintendent of Police Vijaya Rao said the responsibility of uniform-making for women police personnel was outsourced. He said he had taken corrective measures as soon as he got the information regarding the incident. "Among those who took the measurements were women tailors and women police personnel. A man entered the premises against the rules and took photos. Action will be taken against the man for violating the privacy of women", Rao said on the issue, focusing instead on a prying suspect.
TDP leader Vangalapudi Anitha said the Nellore incident was an example of how the self-esteem of women under the YSRCP government is being undermined. She expressed shock over the incident.