Mumbai: Controversial film critic and actor Kamal Rashid Khan aka KRK, who has been arrested for alleged offensive tweets against late actors Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan, has been admitted to a hospital after complaining of chest pain. Police admitted Khan to Shatabdi Hospital in Kandivali on Tuesday evening. KRK, was arrested by Malad Police on Tuesday after landing at the Mumbai airport in an FIR registered way back in 2020.
KRK was produced in Borivali Court which remanded him to 14 days of judicial custody. Khan was charged with posting insulting tweets over the death of actors Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor in 2020. Social activist Rahul Kanal filed a complaint against Kamal for alleged derogatory posts. Police registered a case against Kamal Khan and started an investigation.
Welcoming the development, Kanal said today that Kamal Rashid Khan has been known for making derogatory comments and using foul language on social media. "Such behaviour is unacceptable and by nabbing him the Mumbai Police have issued a stern message to all such persons," Kanal said. Kanal had lodged his complaint with the then Deputy Commissioner of Police (IX) on April 30, 2020, pointing out how KRK's Twitter account had been suspended twice for tarnishing the image of highly respected personalities and demanded action against the actor.
Also read:Kamal Rashid Khan arrested for his controversial tweet in 2020
As Kamal Khan was abroad, no action could be taken against him. Kamaal R Khan has been making headlines due to his open adverse remarks on Bollywood and his film reviews. He has worked in several Hindi and Bhojpuri films and produced a few films too. He has also been a part of Bigg Boss.