Balrampur (Uttar Pradesh): A constable posted at the residence of the Superintendent of Police (SP) in Balrampur district of Uttar Pradesh died by suicide after shooting himself in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The police have taken the body into custody and sent it for post-mortem. Abhishek Yadav, a resident of Lucknow, was a constable of the 2020 batch and was posted at the SP residence last month.
At around 3 am on Tuesday, he committed suicide by shooting himself with a government rifle. The incident came to light when another constable went to the guard room when it was time for changing the duty. Constable Abhishek Yadav was lying in a pool of blood. The deceased constable had been suffering from migraine for the last several months and was undergoing treatment. The deceased lived in a rented house near the police lines. He talked to some of his relatives on the phone on Monday night.