New Delhi: A conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar allegedly extorted Rs 200 Cr by carrying out an extortion racket from inside Rohini jail. According to the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) Chandrasekhar, along with two of his associates who worked for him from outside the prison, had extorted the amount from a businessman's wife (Aditi Singh) on the pretext of freeing her husband Shivendra Singh. EOW of Delhi Police had arrested Singh, a former promoter of Ranbaxy, Fortis and Religare Enterprises, along with his brother Malvinder Mohan Singh in October 2019, for alleged financial irregularities.
According sources, Shivendra's wife Aditi Singh had received several calls in the last few months from a man posing as an officer in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Enforcement Directorate. He told Aditi Singh that he would get her husband released and took Rs 200 Cr from her. Aditi on having suspected foul-play, informed the entire matter to an officer of the Enforcement Directorate. The ED officer apprised Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana about the call to Aditi Singh following which an investigation was launched. During the course of investigation the police traced the call to a high profile criminal Sukesh Chandrashekhar, who was lodged in the Rohini Jail and recovered two smartphones from him.