New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered that alleged 'conman' Sukesh Chandrashekhar and his wife be shifted from Tihar jail to Mandoli jail in the city. A bench of Justices S R Bhat and Sudhanshu Dhulia passed the order on a plea filed by Chandrashekhar and his wife alleging threat to their lives and seeking a transfer to a prison outside Delhi.
Conman Chandrashekhar to be shifted from Tihar to Mandoli Jain, SC orders
The Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered the shifting of alleged 'conman' Sukesh Chandrashekhar, who is presently lodged in Tihar Jail, to Delhi's Mandoli Jail.
Chandrashekhar has been jailed on charges of purported money laundering and duping several people. "Having considered the materials on the record and also having regard to the order made on June 17, 2022, this court is of the opinion that in terms of the statement made by the respondent on June 23, 2022, the petitioners should be shifted to Mandoli jail. It is accordingly ordered," the bench said. The top court said the petitioners be shifted to Mandoli jail within a week. "This is an order for both," the bench said orally. (PTI)