New Delhi:The Congress on Thursday said there was nothing wrong in Rahul Gandhi’s utterances of terms like “Panauti” and “Jebkatra”, allegedly in reference to PM Modi. “We will give a proper response to the EC notice,” Congress media head Pawan Khera told ETV Bharat. The party’s reaction came soon after the Election Commission sent a notice to Rahul Gandhi asking him to appear before the panel on November 25 and explain his alleged remarks made during the recent poll speeches in Rajasthan. The EC notice was based on a complaint filed by the BJP, which was riled over the Congress leader’s remarks.
While ‘Panauti’ is a general reference in Hindi to a person, who brings bad news, ‘Jebkatra’ is a reference to a pickpocket. “There is nothing wrong in the usage of the two words by Rahul Gandhi. The word Panauti came from the crowd and he merely repeated it without naming anyone. There were thousands of people in the stadium where the Cricket World Cup match was being played in Ahmedabad. So, it is a very vague charge that it was used for the PM,” a Congress Working Committee member said.
“Jebkatra again is part of an analogy, which is commonly used to explain something. Again, Rahul Gandhi took no names directly,” he said. The two points would form the basis of Rahul Gandhi’s response to the EC notice, said party insiders, adding that the former party chief was unlikely to appear in person before the poll panel and a suitable reply would be submitted by his lawyers.