New Delhi: Congress chief Sonia Gandhi on Tuesday deputed the Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge to represent the party at a meeting to discuss a joint Presidential nominee. “Khargeji will attend the meeting tomorrow,” said a senior AICC functionary. The June 15 meeting in Delhi has been called by West Bengal Chief Minister and TMC supremo Mamata Banerjee.
There had been speculation that the Congress could skip the meeting as the grand old party’s Chief Ministers in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh had not been invited by Banerjee, who had sent separate letters to several opposition Chief Ministers.
The announcement for the June 15 meeting had come from Banerjee days after Sonia Gandhi had started informal consultations with key opposition leaders, including NCP chief Sharad Pawar and Mamata, to build consensus over the issue.
Kharge, who had been given the task to coordinate with the opposition leaders, recently met NCP chief Sharad Pawar in Mumbai, setting off speculation that the veteran Maratha leader could be the joint opposition presidential nominee given his stature and connections with most opposition leaders.
However, Pawar is not keen on the job, said the sources. Kharge had also reached out to CPI-M’s Sitaram Yechury, and CPI’s Ajoy Biswom over the issue. Congress insiders said though the grand old party would want a party leader as the joint nominee for the Presidential polls, given the party’s national presence, it is open to hearing the suggestions from other parties.