New Delhi: The Congress on Thursday slammed the Centre after the Delhi Police sought to withdraw charges under the the POCSO Act against Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh and also questioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi's silence despite a complaint by the minor wrestler.Speaking to the media at the party headquarters here, Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate said: "Delhi Police filed a chargesheet of 1,000 pages against BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh today.
However, in 500 pages, Delhi Police have focused on how it is not a POCSO matter and gave Singh a clean chit in the minor's case."She highlighted how a minor girl had to fight "the powerful and mighty", while the entire machinery came out to prove her wrong."It is upto the people to decide what this suggests. The BJP's 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' slogan has been changed," she said. Targeting Union Home Minister Amit Shah and the Delhi Police, Shrinate said: "Shah's Delhi Police didn't arrest or question Singh for over 45 days so that he can tamper evidence and pressurise the witnesses and complainants."The Congress leader went on to say that the Union Sports Minister had given a clean chit earlier before the charge sheet was even filed by Delhi Police.
"The Prime Minister has remained silent for over 50 days. The BJP ecosystem kept on targeting the wrestlers. BJP has history of saving the perpetrators of crimes in cases against atrocity against women. This is a script under which they function. "We hope that court will take cognizance of the statement of the minor under Section 164. It is same Delhi Police which gave clean chit. We believe that court will deliver justice. But people must know that if you question government what will happen," Shrinate added. Her remarks came after the Delhi Police on Thursday sought cancellation of the FIR in connection to ithe minor wrestler's complaint alleging sexual harassment by Singh.