New Delhi: The Congress slammed the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre for the death of over 9.5 lakh people in the last seven years who allegedly committed suicide, saying it came to power with the promise of 'Acche Din' but forced people into "suicidal hopelessness". The opposition party also said that farmers were forced into committing suicide and in the past 7 years due to the "crony capitalist friendly and anti-farmer" policies of the Modi government.
Citing the recent National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) report on "Suicides and Accidental Deaths in India", which states 9,58,275 Indians ended their lives by committing suicide between 2014-2020.
Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala in a statement said that there was an increase of 55 per cent in the number of students committing suicide, 58 per cent increase among the unemployed, and 139.37 per cent increase among farmers, labourers and daily wagers and overall the number of suicides across categories increased by 16.24 per cent, as per the report.
"The report, with its figures regarding suicide, underlines the unprecedented tragedy that is ruining India. Hapless citizens, being ground under extreme apathy and insensitivity of the government, are losing the last hope and taking their own lives. Be it 'annadata' (farmers), toiling labourers, daily wagers, housewives or unemployed educated youth, it is a saga of unending hopelessness all across. Opportunities for the aspiring have been converted into cesspools of suicidal depression," said Congress spokesperson.
"During the last 7 years Between 2014 -2020 the failed and insensitive policies of the Modi government pushed 9,58,275 Indians into ending their lives by committing suicide. Today in an attempt to mask its failed anti-people policies the government is nakedly resorting to perpetuating divisiveness, negativity, hopelessness amongst the people," he said.