New Delhi: Indian National Congress party, on Saturday, launched a scathing attack on the Central government, over the alleged manipulation of JEE Mains exam while demanding an SC-monitored probe into this matter. This comes after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested seven people in this connection. While addressing a press conference, Congress spokesperson Gourav Vallabh said that the Education Ministry and National Testing Agency (NTA) should be held accountable for the alleged frauds and manipulations since they hold the responsibility for conducting transparent and fair examinations.
"Is it not the responsibility of the government that every student out of 22 lakh candidates registered for JEE Main (2021) to get a fair chance? Ultimately, their future is at stake," Gourav Vallabh said. Congress' student wing NSUI president Neeraj Kundan also announced that they will launch a nation-wide protest on Monday over this issue.