New Delhi: Congress MP S Jothimani has been admitted to the RML Hospital in the national capital, Leader of Congress in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury said on Saturday alleging that Lok Sabha MP from Tamil Nadu was beaten up by Delhi Police during a protest by the party against the Enforcement Directorate (ED) probe on Rahul Gandhi in the National Herald Case.
Congress leaders and MPs have been protesting in several states against their former president's questioning by the ED in a money-laundering case pertaining to the National Herald newspaper. A delegation of Congress leaders is likely to meet President Ram Nath Kovind on June 20 and submit a memorandum on the issue of entry of Delhi Police into their party headquarters and the alleged misbehaviour with party MPs during protests.
Rahul Gandhi appeared before the ED for four days, sparking protests by Congress leaders across the country. The party, however, alleged that there was nothing in the case and it is a political vendetta. Congress on Wednesday filed a complaint against the Delhi Police for entering and attacking party workers, without provocation, at 24 Akbar Road. The complaint was registered at Tughlak Road Police Station, New Delhi. Congress has alleged that its leaders have been manhandled during protests.