Raipur: The Enforcement Directorate's raids at several places in Chhattisgarh which began in the wee hours of Monday continued till late night. Officials from the ED had begun raiding residential premises of altogether nine people, eight of them were prominent leaders belonging to the Chhattisgarh unit of the Congress party and one of them was a chairman of the labour cell.
Raids were going on at Labor Department Chairman Sunny Agarwal's house. Amid the ongoing raid by the Enforcement Directorate officials, Congress leaders were expressing anguish over the incident. Fuming over the ED raids, Congress leaders said, "Our party has been planning to convene a National Convention. Just to pour cold water on our party's national convention, the ED at the behest of BJP was carrying out raids on Congress leaders' houses. The BJP was frightened about our decision to hold party's National Convention at Raipur."