New Delhi: At a time when Indian health infrastructure is grappling with oxygen, beds and hospitals with the second COVID wave sweeping the nation, President of Indian Youth Congress Srinivas BV has emerged as a ray of hope for millions. The Congress leader has been handling a multitude of requests from across the country to help people who are in dire need of medicines and other aid.
Srinivas has been working relentlessly round the clock to provide COVID assistance to people across the country. His Twitter timeline has been flooded with people's requests to help them and people are writing pleas on social media platforms asking for medical assistance.
Even while giving this interview, his phone was continuously ringing and he was busy helping people who were in dire need of oxygen, plasma donors and medicines.
READ:6 hospitals exhaust their oxygen stock: Sisodia writes to Harsh Vardhan
"We urgently need a plasma donor. The patient is critical," a lady's voice came out of the phone. "Send me the details, immediately. I'll manage. Don't worry," Srinivas replied.
While many people are thanking the Youth Congress leader by calling him a 'Messiah', he gives credit to the 'team work'.
"During these unprecedented times, the entire team of Indian Youth Congress (IYC) and its members are working hard to help people. It is teamwork. Our leader Rahul Gandhi has given clear instructions that right now we need to put aside our politics and work for the welfare of people," Srinivas said.