Patiala (Punjab): The double murders in Punjab on Wednesday triggered uproarious scenes. People have started questioning the law and order situation in the state. On Thursday, Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu met the family members of the deceased Kabaddi player Dharmendra Singh and demanded arrest of the accused immediately. Sidhu further said, "The accused is still at large, I am giving three days time to police to arrest the culprit." On the other hand, the father of the deceased's Kabaddi player said he appealed to the police as well as government to arrest the accused at the earliest.
Sidhu condemns murder of Kabaddi player in Patiala; gives ultimatum to cops
On Thursday, Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu met the family members of the deceased Kabaddi player Dharmendra Singh and demanded arrest of the accused immediately.
Sidhu gives three days ultimatum to Punjab police
The deceased Dharmendra has two children. "We are worried who will take care of his children," he added. On Wednesday, BJP leader, Manjinder Singh Sirsa hitting out at the Punjab government over the law and order, Tweeted that 19 murders have taken place in Punjab during the last 21 days and two murders happened in Patiala. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann will have to focus on ensuring secure and peaceful environment for the people of Punjab.