Kota:Rajya Sabha member Jairam Ramesh on Wednesday said the Congress is a democratic party and believes in live and let live. Ramesh is part of the Bharat Jodo Yatra that has so far covered over 2,400 kilometers since it started on September 7 from Tamil Nadu's Kanyakumari. Former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi recommenced the yatra on its 91st day on Wednesday as he along with others marched towards Kota from Darra Station Ganesh Mandir.
In a press conference, when asked about the police action here on some people who wanted to submit a memorandum to Gandhi while the Congress is talking on preserving democracy, Ramesh said the Congress is a democratic party. "The Congress has people with different views and there is no environment of fear," Ramesh said, adding that sometimes people within the party criticise it and this happens in every state. It has recently happened in Uttar Pradesh, he said without elaborating.