New Delhi: The Congress on Monday played down the response of ally Rashtriya Janata Dal, which was miffed over Rahul Gandhi’s “Congress alone can beat BJP” line. “We are a national party. We are trying to revive ourselves across the country. We have to focus on the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and prepare for it,” AICC secretary in charge of Bihar Ajay Kapoor told ETV Bharat. “Rahulji is correct. The regional parties cannot take on the BJP,” he said.
Kapoor was responding to some remarks made by RJD MP Manoj Jha where he said that the regional parties were a stronger player when it came to the Lok Sabha elections and the Congress should work like a co-traveler.
Rahul had made his remarks on Sunday on the concluding day of the Chintan Shivir saying that Congress is the only national party that can defeat the BJP ideologically and the regional parties were only based on caste and were not equipped for the challenge that the saffron party presents before the opposition. Kapoor said Congress hopes to have meaningful alliances in 2024 national polls as well as state elections.
“The Lok Sabha poll is a bigger challenge. The state elections will be tackled later. Right now, we are focussed on the national polls,” Kapoor said, adding, “that the issue of reviving the grand old party was not connected to the alliances that it may have.” RJD, based in Bihar, has been an ally of the Congress since 2004 both in the state and national polls. It was also part of the previous UPA government at the Centre.