New Delhi: Union Minister Anurag Thakur on Tuesday took a dig at Congress over their Assembly Poll debacle and said that the party does not look outside the Gandhi family. Speaking to reporters here today, Thakur said, "Congress does not look outside the Gandhi family. Rahul Gandhi took charge but did not get any seats in West Bengal. Priyanka Gandhi took charge of Uttar Pradesh but lost deposits and won only two seats. Now again Sonia Gandhi has taken command of the party..."
Further slamming the Gandhi leadership in the party, the Union Minister said that the questions of what is happening in the Congress and whether they will limit themself to just one family have remained unchanged over years. "Congress does not have the answer to its mystery," he said while referring to the questions raised by the party over rising inflation.
Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi on Tuesday called for "unity at all levels" of the organisation at a meeting of party MPs in which she spoke about the party's "shocking and painful" defeats in the recent elections even as she slammed the government for targeting the Opposition and "spreading maximum fear and intimidation".
Thakur also slammed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over her remark that India's economic condition is even worse than the neighbouring island nation Sri Lanka which is facing an economic crisis presently. "If you look at the present situation of the world and our neighbouring countries, you will understand that India has chosen its leadership rightly due to which the country is developing," he said.