New Delhi: The Congress party, on Friday, lauded the Rajasthan government for the revival of the old Pension Scheme and asked the Central Government to replicate it. While addressing a press conference, Congress General Secretary Ajay Maken said, "The way our Congress government in Rajasthan has revived the old pension scheme, we demand that the Central government and other State governments follow suit with immediate effect." He also mentioned the Pay Commission alleging that this is not the first time when BJP-led NDA Government has "attacked" the interests of Government employees.
"On one hand, there is Congress party which continuously brings the pay commission report within the third year of every decade according to the calendar, and on the other hand there is a BJP government; which didn't bring pay commission, while on the second time when we went ahead with 7th Pay Commission, BJP announced that no pay commission would be established in future," Maken said.
He further added, "All the government employees should understand that their interests have always been protected by the Congress party and this time, a living example has been set by the Congress government of Ashok Gehlot in Rajasthan by the implementation of the Old Pension Scheme."