Mumbai:The Shiv Sena on Friday called for the need to appoint a full-time Congress president, and said the confusion prevailing over the leadership in the party was as much responsible for the political crisis in Punjab as the BJP.
The Sena also claimed that although Rahul Gandhi was trying to resolve the issues faced by the Congress, the old-timers in the party were in a secret pact with the BJP to stop him from doing so with the aim of sinking the party.
"Congress needs a full-time president. What is the use of a body without a head?...Congress is ailing and it is being treated, but whether that treatment is right or not needs to be reviewed," the party said in an editorial in its mouthpiece Saamana.
"Rahul Gandhi is trying to fix the leakages in the old mansion (Congress), but some old feudal lords are not letting the new people work. They have started claiming ownership over several things in the mansion. It is now confirmed that the party's old guard is in a secret pact with BJP and they are trying to sink Congress," it alleged.
Also read:Senior Congress leaders condemn 'orchestrated hooliganism' outside Sibal's residence
But if there is no commander, how will the party fight? This demand of some wise Congress veterans is not wrong. The answer to this question over leadership question is the Gandhi family, but who exactly from among them is a question that persists, said the Uddhav Thackeray-led party, which shares power in Maharashtra with Congress and NCP.