New Delhi:A day after a protest rally on inflation in Jaipur, Congress MP from Anandpur Sahib Manish Tewari on Monday gave an adjournment notice in the Lok Sabha to raise the issue of inflation. Tewari in his notice wrote, "The high rate of inflation has hit the weaker section of the country, prices of oil and vegetables have skyrocketed and fuel is breaking new records almost everyday."
For sometime now the Oil marketing companies have kept the prices of diesel and petrol unchanged across major Indian cities. Diesel and petrol prices in Delhi stood at Rs 86.67 per litre and Rs 95.41 per litre, respectively, and in the financial capital Mumbai, the prices were unchanged at Rs 94.14 and Rs 109.98.
But the prices of vegetables and mustard oil are soaring high each day and the government is unable to check prices, said Tewari. The Lok Sabha is likely to discuss and pass the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2021, which was introduced on December 6.