Chennai: Tamil actor Vijay's advocate Vijay Narayan on Monday told the Madras High Court that it was unnecessary for the judge to criticize the actor for purchasing a luxury car as it was purchased through hard work.
Narayan, while arguing against the judge's criticisms, said statements such as "case was being pursued to avoid paying taxes", "while the fans think he is the real protagonist, don't be a Reel protagonist", "refusing to pay taxes", were unnecessary. "It was unnecessary for the judge to criticize purchasing luxury car as it was purchased through hard work. The cine industry is providing employment to millions and that there was no intention of tax evasion. It was wrong to call oneself anti-national and that the judge's comments had not been made in any other case" he said.
It was argued that the Supreme Court had said that judges should not make harsh comments and in some cases, the court could examine the judges who mislead and the tax could also be prosecuted if it was unconstitutional. Judges Pushpa Satyanarayana and Mohammad Shafiq, who heard the case, questioned why the session should not ask the concerned judge to remove certain comments.
Vijay lamented that not only his case but also the case of actors Dhanush and Surya were also similarly publicly criticized by tagging them as actors and that these comments were personally offensive and portrayed as guilty. He said there was no problem in paying a fine of Rs 1 lakh and was willing to pay even two crores, but insisted that the negative comment should be expunged. Following this, the judges adjourned the case without mentioning a date.
Also Read:Walk the Talk: HC imposes Rs 1 lakh fine on actor Vijay for challenging entry tax for Rolls Royce