Coimbatore:Amid the ongoing row around the controversial poster of the documentary Kaali, the Coimbatore police on Wednesday arrested 'Athiradi' Saraswati for threatening the Kaali director Leena Manimekalai through a video with a message.
The arrested woman is reportedly a 46-year-old right-wing functionary, hailing from the Chokkampudur near Selvapuram in Coimbatore city. She is also the founder of the Sashti Sena Hindu Makkal Iyakkam organisation here.
Saraswathi reportedly released a video on Tuesday wherein she openly abused the director of 'Kaali' for allegedly portraying the Hindu Goddess in a bad light in the movie poster. The woman can be heard threatening Manimekalai with 'dire consequences to life' as a repercussion of the supposed offence she has caused through the film poster. The video soon went viral on social media and grabbed police attention.