Coimbatore:The Tamil Nadu police on Saturday raided multiple places in Chennai for the third time in connection with the Coimbatore cylinder explosion that occurred in a car. A man was also killed in the explosion. Police raided the houses of Sakul Hameedu in Otteri SS Puram, SM Buhari in Veppery, Mohammed Esakk Kaut in EzhuKinaru VM Street and Muthialpet Umar Mukthar. They seized important documents and electronic items from their houses during the raid. In the first raid on November 10, National Investigation Agency (NIA) officers conducted raids at 43 places, including Chennai and Coimbatore, and seized many important documents.
Coimbatore car blast: Tamil Nadu police conduct raids on four places in Chennai
The Tamil Nadu police conducted raids in multiple places in Chennai in connection with the cylinder car explosion.
Also read:Maharashtra: Police raid on factory, seize fake pistachios
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has prepared a list of persons, who have already been booked by the National Investigation Agency for providing fake passports, SIM cards and cash transactions to support the banned organisations and sent it to the Tamil Nadu Police Department. In the report of MHA, 18 persons were found to be in contact with the banned organisations in Chennai. On November 15, the Chennai police conducted raids at four places and seized important documents, including foreign currency, Rs 15 lakhs, a bank account passbook, cell phones, laptop and diaries.