New Delhi: Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Coal and Mines, Prahlad Joshi on Wednesday said in the Lok Sabha that the coal stocks at the power plants in the county depleted to 7.2 million tonnes as on October 8,2021 due to increased demand for power and less generation of power by plants which depend on imported coal.
Answering questions raised by YSR Congress MP Y S Avinash Reddy, the Union Minister said that heavy rain was also a key reason for the interruption in the supply of coal. He also said that with subsequent increase of coal supply the coal stock has started to get replenished and has reached 16.74 million tonnes as on November 25. The stock is sufficient for nine days.
"Coal India Limited (CIL) has dispatched around 54 MT(million tonnes) more coal during April - October’21 in comparison to the same period of last year. It has dispatched 291.72 MT coal during this period, against 237.75 MT during the same period of last fiscal," said Joshi.