Madurai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin virtually laid the foundation stone of the Kalaignar Memorial Library in Madurai through a video call on Tuesday. This move has come after CM Stalin's earlier announcement in the assembly wherein he had declared that a library with international standards will be built in Madurai.
Post this announcement, the CM had taken personal efforts to investigate the location of this building, which was eventually fixed to be the new Natham road. The CM also sanctioned an amount worth Rs. 99 crores for the technical purchases, whereas Rs. 15 crores were allotted for books purchase.
The library is planned to comprise seven floors, spread over 2 lakhs square feet of land. It will also have the facility of parking 250 vehicles on the ground floor, with a total parking capacity of around 300 bikes inside the library campus. The entrance of the library will reportedly have a bronze statue of the late former chief minister Karunanidhi installed.