Salem: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin lauded the daring rescue operation of a woman and child caught in the flash flood at Anaivari Falls in the Salem district. The video of the flash floods and rescue operation has gone viral.
Muttal Lake and Anaivaari Falls are situated in the Kalvarayan hills, near Attur in the Salem district. It is maintained as an eco-tourism destination, with waterfalls, cottages, parks. The place had been reopened for the public two months ago as part of Covid-19 relaxations.
On Monday, five people, including a woman and her child, were trapped in a flash flood at Anaivaari Falls due to continuous rains on Sunday. In the video, a woman is seen sitting on a rock holding on to her baby near the gushing waters as a man tries to reach down using the ropes. People standing on the other side of the waterfall are heard screaming and telling the person not to descend as he might fall into the wild river.