Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Thursday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make Tamil the official language like Hindi at Central Government offices and the Madras High Court. He also urged the Prime Minister to consider the demands of the State as early as possible.
He also urged Modi to ensure that the Centre releases the GST dues of Tamil Nadu of Rs 14,006 crores. "I appeal to the government to return the central GST dues of Rs 14,006 crores to our state. I also appeal to the Prime Minister that Tamil should be announced as an official language in the Madras High court," said Stalin.
Sharing the dais with the Prime Minister at a program in Chennai, the Chief Minister upheld the "Dravidian model" stating that Tamil Nadu is a leading State in terms of economic growth, rural health facilities, educational institutions, and highly-skilled human resources.
"Our State is a pioneer, not only in economic and other related factors but also in social justice, equality, and women’s empowerment. In brief, Tamil Nadu is a state for inclusive growth. This is what we call “THE DRAVIDIAN MODEL,” said Stalin.