Nalanda:Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Sunday while inaugurating the 'Har Ghar Ganga Jal' scheme in Rajgir, drank tap water from Naresh Prasad and Vinod Prasad's house through the pipeline to give a strong message on the purity of the water being supplied through the project. Kumar made the announcement of the scheme back in 2015 and within seven years, he made drinking water accessible to 19 wards of Rajgir. Next in line is Gaya, where the Bihar CM will inaugurate this scheme on November 28.
With the successful implementation of the programme, Kumar seeks to launch the second phase of the scheme, by June 2023, with a target to make Ganga water accessible in Nawada. The Bihar government's Water Resources and Information and Public Relations Minister Sanjay Kumar Jha said that the 'Har Ghar Ganga Jal scheme' is the dream project of the CM. He further said that the ambitious scheme was approved in a special cabinet meeting held in Gaya in December 2019 under the chairmanship of Kumar.
Jha, emphasising on the project, added that there is a general saying that the thirsty go to well, and not the other way round but Nitish Kumar dared to dream about making drinking water accessible to each and every house in Bihar. Under the CM's far-reaching campaign 'Jal-Jeevan-Hariyali', he conceptualised using the surplus water of river Ganga as drinking water by diverting it to the water-stressed cities of south Bihar.