Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik reviewed various sports infrastructure projects worth Rs 300 crore in Kalinga Stadium. The indoor athletic stadium which was reviewed by him is the first indoor athletic stadium in the country. This indoor facility for athletes will boost the development of athletics in the country. Chief Minister hopes that the stadium will play a leading role in creating athletic champions in the coming days.
The stadium is being built with an investment of Rs 120 crore and expected to get completed by 2022. It will feature national and international athletics. This is the first indoor athletic stadium in India and will help the athletes practice throughout the year.
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said, “This indoor athletic facility will be a major boost for the development of athletics in India and will become the hub to create champions in coming years”. The facility can host national and international indoor athletic events. There will be a residential facility for more than 100 athletes for full-time coaching.