New Delhi:Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal met Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday. Many important issues including the opening of the Singhu border and the Ellenabad by-election were discussed in the meeting. Regarding re-opening of Singhu border, the CM said that he is hopeful, that the border will be opened soon.
Earlier, the traders and shopkeepers met Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal to demand the reopening of the Singhu border and also submitted a memorandum about the same. Traders and shopkeepers say that their businesses are being affected a lot due to the farmers' agitation. According to traders, due to closure of the border, there is a problem with transporting goods on one side, and on the other hand, they are losing lakhs of rupees every month.
After meeting the traders, Chief Minister said that there is a demand from people that the roads should be opened on the Singhu border. The Supreme Court has also continued the hearing regarding this matter and now the farmers' organisations have also been asked to give their answers on October 20.